By submitting this form, I acknowledge that Illinois Tech has the right to contact me.AcceptCancelDoctor of Osteopathic Medicine (B.S./D.O.) Dual Admission Program ApplicationLoading...Application Round2025 Coursera2025 Graduate2025 UndergraduateApp SubmittedApp SubmittedYesNoApp Round OverrideApp Round Override2025 Coursera2025 Graduate2025 UndergraduateLevelOtherPre-CollegiateUndergraduateGraduateFirst Name Last Name Email Address Birthdate Birthdate JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Personal EssayPlease address both of the following topics. Your answers should be 500 words or less for each topic. 1. Describe your interest in studying osteopathic medicine and becoming a physician - where it started, how you have pursued your interest, and how you envision your future career in medicine. 2. Why are you interested particularly in the B.S./D.O. Dual Admission Program with the Illinois Institute of Technology and Midwestern University?Letters of RecommendationPlease submit three letters of recommendation to the Illinois Tech Office of Undergraduate Admission by following the directions below. ALL three letters must be submitted to Illinois Tech by the December 1 B.S./D.O. application deadline. The letters should be sent from one of each of the following: Math or Science Teacher, Humanities or Social Science Teacher, Someone who can evaluate any medically-related research or volunteer work you have participated in (if necessary, you may substitute the last option with a current employer or guidance counselor). No more than three letters of recommendation are needed. Any questions for clarification regarding the letters of recommendation can be sent to Hye Min Yoon, Dual Admissions Coordinator ( or Science Teacher RecommendationHow are you submitting your Math or Science teacher recommendation letter?How are you submitting your Math or Science teacher recommendation letter?1. I will be reusing a letter of recommendation that was previously submitted with my Common App2. I will be requesting a new letter of recommendation through the Common App3. I did not apply through Common App and will reach out to for further instructions on how to submit a letter of recommendationIf you selected option#2 above follow these instructions. If you selected either option#1 or option#2 above please share the information of your recommender below:Recommender First Name Recommender Last Name Recommender Email Address Upload the provided reference letter from your recommender. (PDF Only)Humanities or Social Science Teacher RecommendationHow are you submitting your Humanities or Social Science teacher recommendation letter?How are you submitting your Humanities or Social Science teacher recommendation letter?1. I will be reusing a letter of recommendation that was previously submitted with my Common App2. I will be requesting a new letter of recommendation through the Common App3. I did not apply through Common App and will reach out to for further instructions on how to submit a letter of recommendationIf you selected option#2 above follow these instructions. If you selected either option#1 or option#2 above please share the information of your recommender below: Recommender First Name Recommender Last Name Recommender Email Address Upload the provided reference letter from your recommender. (PDF Only)Medically Related RecommendationHow are you submitting your medically related recommendation letter?How are you submitting your medically related recommendation letter?1. I will be reusing a letter of recommendation that was previously submitted with my Common App2. I will be requesting a new letter of recommendation through the Common App3. I did not apply through Common App and will reach out to for further instructions on how to submit a letter of recommendationIf you selected option#2 above follow these instructions. If you selected either option#1 or option#2 above please share the information of your recommender below:Recommender First Name Recommender Last Name Recommender Email Address Upload the provided reference letter from your recommender. (PDF Only)Official test scores (SAT or ACT) are required to be considered for the BS/DO program.Official test scores (SAT or ACT) are required to be considered for the BS/DO program.I acknowledge that my official test scores must be sent directly through the testing agency (self-reported scores are not accepted) and must be received by Illinois Tech by the 12/1 BS/DO application deadline.Submit
By submitting this form, I acknowledge that Illinois Tech has the right to contact me.AcceptCancelDoctor of Osteopathic Medicine (B.S./D.O.) Dual Admission Program ApplicationLoading...Application Round2025 Coursera2025 Graduate2025 UndergraduateApp SubmittedApp SubmittedYesNoApp Round OverrideApp Round Override2025 Coursera2025 Graduate2025 UndergraduateLevelOtherPre-CollegiateUndergraduateGraduateFirst Name Last Name Email Address Birthdate Birthdate JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Personal EssayPlease address both of the following topics. Your answers should be 500 words or less for each topic. 1. Describe your interest in studying osteopathic medicine and becoming a physician - where it started, how you have pursued your interest, and how you envision your future career in medicine. 2. Why are you interested particularly in the B.S./D.O. Dual Admission Program with the Illinois Institute of Technology and Midwestern University?Letters of RecommendationPlease submit three letters of recommendation to the Illinois Tech Office of Undergraduate Admission by following the directions below. ALL three letters must be submitted to Illinois Tech by the December 1 B.S./D.O. application deadline. The letters should be sent from one of each of the following: Math or Science Teacher, Humanities or Social Science Teacher, Someone who can evaluate any medically-related research or volunteer work you have participated in (if necessary, you may substitute the last option with a current employer or guidance counselor). No more than three letters of recommendation are needed. Any questions for clarification regarding the letters of recommendation can be sent to Hye Min Yoon, Dual Admissions Coordinator ( or Science Teacher RecommendationHow are you submitting your Math or Science teacher recommendation letter?How are you submitting your Math or Science teacher recommendation letter?1. I will be reusing a letter of recommendation that was previously submitted with my Common App2. I will be requesting a new letter of recommendation through the Common App3. I did not apply through Common App and will reach out to for further instructions on how to submit a letter of recommendationIf you selected option#2 above follow these instructions. If you selected either option#1 or option#2 above please share the information of your recommender below:Recommender First Name Recommender Last Name Recommender Email Address Upload the provided reference letter from your recommender. (PDF Only)Humanities or Social Science Teacher RecommendationHow are you submitting your Humanities or Social Science teacher recommendation letter?How are you submitting your Humanities or Social Science teacher recommendation letter?1. I will be reusing a letter of recommendation that was previously submitted with my Common App2. I will be requesting a new letter of recommendation through the Common App3. I did not apply through Common App and will reach out to for further instructions on how to submit a letter of recommendationIf you selected option#2 above follow these instructions. If you selected either option#1 or option#2 above please share the information of your recommender below: Recommender First Name Recommender Last Name Recommender Email Address Upload the provided reference letter from your recommender. (PDF Only)Medically Related RecommendationHow are you submitting your medically related recommendation letter?How are you submitting your medically related recommendation letter?1. I will be reusing a letter of recommendation that was previously submitted with my Common App2. I will be requesting a new letter of recommendation through the Common App3. I did not apply through Common App and will reach out to for further instructions on how to submit a letter of recommendationIf you selected option#2 above follow these instructions. If you selected either option#1 or option#2 above please share the information of your recommender below:Recommender First Name Recommender Last Name Recommender Email Address Upload the provided reference letter from your recommender. (PDF Only)Official test scores (SAT or ACT) are required to be considered for the BS/DO program.Official test scores (SAT or ACT) are required to be considered for the BS/DO program.I acknowledge that my official test scores must be sent directly through the testing agency (self-reported scores are not accepted) and must be received by Illinois Tech by the 12/1 BS/DO application deadline.Submit