By submitting this form, I acknowledge that Illinois Tech has the right to contact me.AcceptCancelTechpaloozaFriday, March 14, 2025 at 2:00 PM until 8:30 PMCentral Daylight Time UTC -05:00Map and DirectionsHermann Hall3241 S Federal StChicago, IL 60616United StatesLoading...Register below for Techpalooza 2025Warm-Up (12-2pm) Arrive early and start your day like a VIP! Join us for lunch in The Commons, our dining hall, followed by a campus tour. Pre-Show (2-5pm) Then, kick off the pre-show by discovering career services, exploring financial aid, and connecting with academic departments across campus. Headliner (5-7pm) It’s time for our headlining act! Join us for the Campus Life Carnival, where you’ll meet current students, play games, and win big—all in celebration of YOU, the newest members of our Illinois Tech community! Enjoy dinner while you dive into the fun and excitement! After Show (7-8:30pm) After a day of learning and celebration, unwind and connect with new friends at our mixer. Parents and supporters, join us for a special celebration in your honor, recognizing the important role you play in supporting your students. Student Contact InformationEmail AddressLegal First NamePreferred First NameMiddle NameLast NameWhat are your preferred pronouns?He/HimHe/TheyNot ListedShe/HerShe/TheyThey/ThemBirthdateBirthdateJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Mailing AddressMailing AddressCountryStreetCityRegionPostal CodeStudent Phone NumberParent/Guardian Contact InformationEmail AddressFirst NameLast NameParent/Guardian Phone NumberRelationship to StudentAunt/UncleBrotherEmergency ContactFatherFoster ParentFriendGrandparentI have limited information about this parentLegal GuardianMotherOtherParentPartnerSiblingSisterStep-FatherStep-MotherStep-SiblingTwin/TripletUnknownDo you have another parent/guardian to add?Do you have another parent/guardian to add?YesNoEmail AddressFirst NameLast NameParent/Guardian Phone NumberRelationship to StudentAunt/UncleBrotherEmergency ContactFatherFoster ParentFriendGrandparentI have limited information about this parentLegal GuardianMotherOtherParentPartnerSiblingSisterStep-FatherStep-MotherStep-SiblingTwin/TripletUnknownAdditional InformationWhat is your anticipated arrival time?What is your anticipated arrival time?12pm: Start your day VIP-style with lunch in The Commons and a campus tour.2pm: Explore career services, financial aid, and academic departments.5pm: Celebrate at the Campus Life Carnival with games, prizes, and dinner, welcoming you to the Illinois Tech community!Please indicate the number of guests you plan to bring (do not include yourself):012Would you be interested in spending the night (Friday, March 14 to Saturday, March 15) with a current Illinois Tech student in one of our residence halls?Yes, I would like to stay on-campus.No, I am staying with a parent or guardian off-campus in a hotel or other accommodation.Overnight Hosting RegistrationPlease note that overnight hosting will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Important Reminders for Your Stay To ensure a comfortable visit, please bring the following items: Sleeping bag or blanket Pillow Toiletries Shower shoes or a towel (if needed) What are your academic and extracurricular interests?Name of Health Insurance Company (if none, type N/A)Name of Policy Holder (if none, type N/A)List any medications the student is currently taking. (If none, type N/A)Are there any medical conditions or allergies you would like us to be aware of? (if none, type N/A)Additional emergency contact information (if different from parent/guardian contact)Email AddressFirst NameLast NameEmergency Contact Phone NumberRelationship to StudentAunt/UncleBrotherEmergency ContactFatherFoster ParentFriendGrandparentI have limited information about this parentLegal GuardianMotherOtherParentPartnerSiblingSisterStep-FatherStep-MotherStep-SiblingTwin/TripletUnknown CONSENT TO PARTICIPATION AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RELEASE I and my parent/legal guardian acknowledge that I am a participant at Illinois Institute of Technology (“Illinois Tech”) and that I desire to participate in the activity described below (hereinafter, the “Activity”) as doing so will provide me with direct and substantial educational benefits, practical experience and/or philanthropic satisfaction. The Activity will take place from on February 7th and 8th 2025. The Activity will include but not limited to campus tours, interviews, academic workshops in a laboratory, trolley city tours, and meals provided by Illinois Tech and outside catering. We recognize that there are risks and hazards directly or inherently involved in this Activity. These include without limitation risks involved in traveling to, from, and within the Activity destination, as well as risks generated by the activities in which I engage while on the Activity. We acknowledge that I am participating in the Activity as a free choice, for my own benefit and to satisfy my personal educational desires. We understand that my participation in this Activity is not a prerequisite for my degree, program or graduation. I have elected to attend the Activity and may have chosen, in conjunction therewith, to stay overnight at Illinois Tech facilities. Accordingly, I understand that during the Activity, I may be housed in either an Illinois Tech residence hall or one of Illinois Tech’s Greek chapter houses. As a condition of this arrangement, I agree to comply with any and all Illinois Tech and chapter rules and regulations, as applicable. Except as noted below, I agree not to leave the Illinois Tech Mies (Main) Campus (defined as the area between 30th and 35th Streets, South Michigan Avenue, and South La Salle Street) during the Activity without my host or an Illinois Tech representative unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. I understand that I may have an opportunity to participate in various programs, including but not limited to a bus tour of the City of Chicago and dinners with Illinois Tech hosts in the city as part of the Activity. We understand that such events may involve the use of public transportation, taxis, or other vehicles, and walking in an urban setting. If I choose to participate in any events offered as part of the Activity, I agree to conduct myself in a safe and responsible manner and follow all instructions from Illinois Tech. We understand that my participation in the Activity will occur while COVID-19 continues to be a risk in the community and Illinois Tech cannot completely mitigate the transfer of communicable diseases such as COVID-19. We represent that I have reviewed the CDC website on the risks of COVID-19 as well as how it is transmitted,, we understand the potential for serious illness or loss of life that COVID-19 can cause. With full knowledge of the facts and circumstances surrounding this Activity and after having an opportunity to inquire about and investigate these risks and hazards, I knowingly and voluntarily have elected to undertake this Activity, and my parent/legal guardian has consented to my participation. I and my parent/legal guardian are freely agreeing to assume all responsibility and risk from my participation in this Activity, including, but not limited to, all risk of personal injury, loss of life and property damage as well as injury to others and damage to the property of others. We represent to Illinois Tech that I have adequate health insurance or other means necessary to provide for and pay any medical costs that may directly or indirectly result from my participation in this Activity and that I will indemnify and hold harmless Illinois Tech from the same. We further represent to Illinois Tech that there are no health-related reasons or problems which preclude or restrict my participation in this Activity. However, as stated in the accompanying Emergency Contract and Medical Information Form, we authorize Illinois Tech and any of its officers, agents or employees to secure any necessary medical treatment for me in the event I suffer injury or illness during the Activity. We agree, at all times during the Activity, that it is my responsibility to conduct myself in a safe, responsible and prudent manner. We understand that if I fail to conduct myself responsibly, Illinois Tech may remove me from the Activity, revoke my housing privileges, and take other reasonable actions. This may include reviewing and potentially rescinding my admission to Illinois Tech. Further, Illinois Tech may consider my conduct during the Activity when evaluating my financial aid opportunities. We hereby state that we are freely agreeing to assume all of the risks and responsibilities in any way associated with this Activity. In consideration of and return for Illinois Tech providing me the opportunity to participate in this Activity, we release Illinois Tech (and its governing board, employees and agents) from any and all liability, claims and actions that may arise from injury or harm to me, from my death or from damage to my property in connection with this Activity. We understand that this Release covers liability, claims and actions caused entirely or in part by any acts or failure to act of Illinois Tech (or its governing board, employees, or agents), including but not limited to negligence, mistake or failure to supervise by Illinois Tech. We recognize that this Release means we are giving up, among other things, rights to sue Illinois Tech, its governing board, employees, and agents for injuries, damages, or losses we may incur. We also understand that this Release binds my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, as well as myself. We acknowledge that we have had the chance to seek any third-party advice that we wish, including consulting legal counsel, prior to executing this Consent to Participation and Assumption of Risk and Release. We hereby attest that we have read this entire Release, we fully understand it, and we agree to be legally bound by it. Finally, we agree that an electronic signature shall have the same legal effect as a handwritten signature. AcknowledgementAcknowledgementYes, I and my legal guardian have read and understand the above provisions and agree to be bound by them as indicated by our acceptance.Electronic Signature of Student/ParticipationElectronic Signature of Parent and/or GuardianSubmit
By submitting this form, I acknowledge that Illinois Tech has the right to contact me.AcceptCancelTechpaloozaFriday, March 14, 2025 at 2:00 PM until 8:30 PMCentral Daylight Time UTC -05:00Map and DirectionsHermann Hall3241 S Federal StChicago, IL 60616United StatesLoading...Register below for Techpalooza 2025Warm-Up (12-2pm) Arrive early and start your day like a VIP! Join us for lunch in The Commons, our dining hall, followed by a campus tour. Pre-Show (2-5pm) Then, kick off the pre-show by discovering career services, exploring financial aid, and connecting with academic departments across campus. Headliner (5-7pm) It’s time for our headlining act! Join us for the Campus Life Carnival, where you’ll meet current students, play games, and win big—all in celebration of YOU, the newest members of our Illinois Tech community! Enjoy dinner while you dive into the fun and excitement! After Show (7-8:30pm) After a day of learning and celebration, unwind and connect with new friends at our mixer. Parents and supporters, join us for a special celebration in your honor, recognizing the important role you play in supporting your students. Student Contact InformationEmail AddressLegal First NamePreferred First NameMiddle NameLast NameWhat are your preferred pronouns?He/HimHe/TheyNot ListedShe/HerShe/TheyThey/ThemBirthdateBirthdateJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Mailing AddressMailing AddressCountryStreetCityRegionPostal CodeStudent Phone NumberParent/Guardian Contact InformationEmail AddressFirst NameLast NameParent/Guardian Phone NumberRelationship to StudentAunt/UncleBrotherEmergency ContactFatherFoster ParentFriendGrandparentI have limited information about this parentLegal GuardianMotherOtherParentPartnerSiblingSisterStep-FatherStep-MotherStep-SiblingTwin/TripletUnknownDo you have another parent/guardian to add?Do you have another parent/guardian to add?YesNoEmail AddressFirst NameLast NameParent/Guardian Phone NumberRelationship to StudentAunt/UncleBrotherEmergency ContactFatherFoster ParentFriendGrandparentI have limited information about this parentLegal GuardianMotherOtherParentPartnerSiblingSisterStep-FatherStep-MotherStep-SiblingTwin/TripletUnknownAdditional InformationWhat is your anticipated arrival time?What is your anticipated arrival time?12pm: Start your day VIP-style with lunch in The Commons and a campus tour.2pm: Explore career services, financial aid, and academic departments.5pm: Celebrate at the Campus Life Carnival with games, prizes, and dinner, welcoming you to the Illinois Tech community!Please indicate the number of guests you plan to bring (do not include yourself):012Would you be interested in spending the night (Friday, March 14 to Saturday, March 15) with a current Illinois Tech student in one of our residence halls?Yes, I would like to stay on-campus.No, I am staying with a parent or guardian off-campus in a hotel or other accommodation.Overnight Hosting RegistrationPlease note that overnight hosting will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Important Reminders for Your Stay To ensure a comfortable visit, please bring the following items: Sleeping bag or blanket Pillow Toiletries Shower shoes or a towel (if needed) What are your academic and extracurricular interests?Name of Health Insurance Company (if none, type N/A)Name of Policy Holder (if none, type N/A)List any medications the student is currently taking. (If none, type N/A)Are there any medical conditions or allergies you would like us to be aware of? (if none, type N/A)Additional emergency contact information (if different from parent/guardian contact)Email AddressFirst NameLast NameEmergency Contact Phone NumberRelationship to StudentAunt/UncleBrotherEmergency ContactFatherFoster ParentFriendGrandparentI have limited information about this parentLegal GuardianMotherOtherParentPartnerSiblingSisterStep-FatherStep-MotherStep-SiblingTwin/TripletUnknown CONSENT TO PARTICIPATION AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RELEASE I and my parent/legal guardian acknowledge that I am a participant at Illinois Institute of Technology (“Illinois Tech”) and that I desire to participate in the activity described below (hereinafter, the “Activity”) as doing so will provide me with direct and substantial educational benefits, practical experience and/or philanthropic satisfaction. The Activity will take place from on February 7th and 8th 2025. The Activity will include but not limited to campus tours, interviews, academic workshops in a laboratory, trolley city tours, and meals provided by Illinois Tech and outside catering. We recognize that there are risks and hazards directly or inherently involved in this Activity. These include without limitation risks involved in traveling to, from, and within the Activity destination, as well as risks generated by the activities in which I engage while on the Activity. We acknowledge that I am participating in the Activity as a free choice, for my own benefit and to satisfy my personal educational desires. We understand that my participation in this Activity is not a prerequisite for my degree, program or graduation. I have elected to attend the Activity and may have chosen, in conjunction therewith, to stay overnight at Illinois Tech facilities. Accordingly, I understand that during the Activity, I may be housed in either an Illinois Tech residence hall or one of Illinois Tech’s Greek chapter houses. As a condition of this arrangement, I agree to comply with any and all Illinois Tech and chapter rules and regulations, as applicable. Except as noted below, I agree not to leave the Illinois Tech Mies (Main) Campus (defined as the area between 30th and 35th Streets, South Michigan Avenue, and South La Salle Street) during the Activity without my host or an Illinois Tech representative unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. I understand that I may have an opportunity to participate in various programs, including but not limited to a bus tour of the City of Chicago and dinners with Illinois Tech hosts in the city as part of the Activity. We understand that such events may involve the use of public transportation, taxis, or other vehicles, and walking in an urban setting. If I choose to participate in any events offered as part of the Activity, I agree to conduct myself in a safe and responsible manner and follow all instructions from Illinois Tech. We understand that my participation in the Activity will occur while COVID-19 continues to be a risk in the community and Illinois Tech cannot completely mitigate the transfer of communicable diseases such as COVID-19. We represent that I have reviewed the CDC website on the risks of COVID-19 as well as how it is transmitted,, we understand the potential for serious illness or loss of life that COVID-19 can cause. With full knowledge of the facts and circumstances surrounding this Activity and after having an opportunity to inquire about and investigate these risks and hazards, I knowingly and voluntarily have elected to undertake this Activity, and my parent/legal guardian has consented to my participation. I and my parent/legal guardian are freely agreeing to assume all responsibility and risk from my participation in this Activity, including, but not limited to, all risk of personal injury, loss of life and property damage as well as injury to others and damage to the property of others. We represent to Illinois Tech that I have adequate health insurance or other means necessary to provide for and pay any medical costs that may directly or indirectly result from my participation in this Activity and that I will indemnify and hold harmless Illinois Tech from the same. We further represent to Illinois Tech that there are no health-related reasons or problems which preclude or restrict my participation in this Activity. However, as stated in the accompanying Emergency Contract and Medical Information Form, we authorize Illinois Tech and any of its officers, agents or employees to secure any necessary medical treatment for me in the event I suffer injury or illness during the Activity. We agree, at all times during the Activity, that it is my responsibility to conduct myself in a safe, responsible and prudent manner. We understand that if I fail to conduct myself responsibly, Illinois Tech may remove me from the Activity, revoke my housing privileges, and take other reasonable actions. This may include reviewing and potentially rescinding my admission to Illinois Tech. Further, Illinois Tech may consider my conduct during the Activity when evaluating my financial aid opportunities. We hereby state that we are freely agreeing to assume all of the risks and responsibilities in any way associated with this Activity. In consideration of and return for Illinois Tech providing me the opportunity to participate in this Activity, we release Illinois Tech (and its governing board, employees and agents) from any and all liability, claims and actions that may arise from injury or harm to me, from my death or from damage to my property in connection with this Activity. We understand that this Release covers liability, claims and actions caused entirely or in part by any acts or failure to act of Illinois Tech (or its governing board, employees, or agents), including but not limited to negligence, mistake or failure to supervise by Illinois Tech. We recognize that this Release means we are giving up, among other things, rights to sue Illinois Tech, its governing board, employees, and agents for injuries, damages, or losses we may incur. We also understand that this Release binds my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, as well as myself. We acknowledge that we have had the chance to seek any third-party advice that we wish, including consulting legal counsel, prior to executing this Consent to Participation and Assumption of Risk and Release. We hereby attest that we have read this entire Release, we fully understand it, and we agree to be legally bound by it. Finally, we agree that an electronic signature shall have the same legal effect as a handwritten signature. AcknowledgementAcknowledgementYes, I and my legal guardian have read and understand the above provisions and agree to be bound by them as indicated by our acceptance.Electronic Signature of Student/ParticipationElectronic Signature of Parent and/or GuardianSubmit